I promise that we are still here. The science garden is moving along. To be honest, we had left for a vacation, and we returned in a rush to begin school routines and school. We have one whole week under of belt of early mornings, lots of kids and stuff to do , and coming home to the quiet of garden.
A message from great grandma |
As a result, I will be trying to get back to updating everyone here. One thing that has been rather odd this year is that Audrey the Morning Glory has not exploded as she has in years past. This year, we have only a few tendrils and even fewer flowers so when Pooka got a purple morning glory the morning she started school, we told her it was her great grandmother telling her to have a great first day. She looked at the flower and said "I will have a great day. I love you." before running inside to finish getting ready.
Hopefully things can settle into a routine and I will be getting back to the blog more regularly.