I know I am a month late, but we finally had the last of our family over for the holidays. It was so wonderful to see all of them, and I love having family in the house, but now we start looking to remove the Christmas decorations. I am sure the neighbors love still seeing the Christmas lights and decorations in the yard, hopefully they will be down by Feb.
Pooka had a nice little garden haul again this year. I know Santa brought her some seeds as well as we got her a few seeds for her birthday. Santa brought her some new watermelon seeds, purple cauliflower, some new sweet peppers and ground cherries. I think Santa decided to try outside the box to see what Pooka would think. We on the other hand got her some sparkle violet pepper seeds, some black and white flowers she had asked for, and a few new herbs to try.
Her new canning apron |
One of Pooka's aunts made this for her for her birthday. Her own customized canning apron. Pooka loved it and has asked when we will be canning next. She loves wearing apron's to help cook, Aunt J is very talented, and I have loved her work for years. This one just screamed Pooka. I am glad someone can help a Pooka with her more artistic side. Aunt J also gave Pooka a new aloe plant that was divided of Aunt J's one that she has had for years. Pooka has since declared the old one mine and she has her own now.
Stuff for in the garden |
Pooka also recieved a craft kit of things she could make for the garden including bird houses (that i am sure will be fairy houses), a bird feeder and a wind chime. I see a day outside building and a couple more painting. Pooka was always a hands on girl. Add to that her love of Plants vs. Zombies. Now this may seem rather random for her, but we are a tad off group, and she loves watching plants do things to kill the zombies, so when I saw a peashooter lawn ornament, I knew it had to go in her garden somewhere.
Wow... |
Pooka got a more scientific looking root viewer this year. However, the bigger suprise here is that Pooka got a banana plant. You read that right, a banana plant. I will admit, I got nervous when her friend K's mom texted me and said "Please don't be mad at what the kids picked out. It said why grown normal when you can grow the exotic. My kids says if it works, they want one too" That made me nervous for about 30 seconds and then I decided they knew a Pooka well. The thing promises to grow huge in like 3 months, so we are waiting just a bit to start this one so it can move outside quickly. I don't know if it is suppose to live more than one year, but it is probably going into a pot for now.
More plants |
Pooka finally got her first hydroponic set from her grandparents this year. I will admit we are all starting to look at it with a "We should start that for salads". Add to it the little fairy garden I can see her doing and keeping in her room, especially with the multi-colored rocks.
Dragon Plant |
Pooka's Aunt B gave her a drgaon plant to grow. The leaves are going to be black, and Pooka's first comment was "I get to grow dragons,." We told her we doubt it, but more than one of her aunts or uncles said "If anyone could do it, it would be that one." Although Daddy has said she can only get a dragon if it breathes fire or ice and flies, so no petco lizard dragons for her.
Root beer |
The last thing Pooka got that I want to share is that she got her own root beer brewing kit. She is so excited to try this one, but I told her its a Daddy-Pooka project since Daddy got a beer brewing kit. This should be a good thing for the two of them to do together, and Pooka loves root beer thanks to her grandmother, so at least this way I will know what is in it, and really Pooka loves making everything herself, from weaving herself some hand warmers to brewing root beer. I swear that child would be happy if we moved to the middle of nowhere, got some critters and never went into the real world again. No we would have to go back in the world, we need to go to the book store, someone has her mothers love of books.