Monday, March 31, 2014

MIss us

Well, the camera got misplaced and we have been busy running the last few days. As  a result, things got a bit quiet here. Not to worry, I should find the camera tonight and get a post up and running for tommorrow. Sorry about the delay. Welcome to spring break and the end of the school year.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The lilac lives

After everything that happened last year, I was looking forward to having lilacs this year. They may not bloom, but knowing they were alive was a huge thing. Especially knowing they came from my grandmothers house, and always lined one side of it. 
The little lilac is alive
 The story my Grandmother told me was that years and years ago, my grandfather was walking to work. He saw these beautiful lilac trees and thought my grandmother would love them. Not having any real spare money for things like plants, my grandfather went to work, came home, got a shovel, a trash bag and walked back to the lilacs in question. Where he proceeded to dig up a couple without asking the owners. Now he did not take the mature ones, but rather a handful of little ones that were hidden a the bottom of the mature ones, much like the one in the pot here. He came home and presented them to my grandmother, an avid gardener, and together they decided to plan them all along one side of the house in front of windows so they could see and smell the blooms. Now that both my grandparents are gone, having their lilacs (or at least their lilac's children) makes me feel slightly closer. It has almost become tradition for our family to go over and dig up a couple. Maybe if I can get the little lilac in the pot and the bigger lilac out front established, Pooka can one day come over and steal the lilacs for her own yard. Now to wait and watch and see if the one out front starts to bud like this guy. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Lemons and more lemons

On quick glance at the lemon tree shows some signs of life. Enough signs in fact that I am hoping soon I can take the lemon tree outside during the day. I do worry the tree itself is not doing its best in here, but if it can hold on a few more weeks, we may just get it to perk back up outside.
Cave the Lemon tree looking a bit beat up after winter
The other day I noticed some small lemons on the lemon tree, well those lemons have gotten bigger and bigger. They have grown quickly and seem to be doing quite well. Even if I feel as if I am deflowering that tree almost daily.
I see lemons
I am hoping with a bit of luck, these lemons will grow larger and turn yellow before it takes 6 months. If not, well, I will be happy with whatever we get and maybe I will finally get around to re potting the lime tree. Maybe. 
Pooka's lemon tree sits on her desk next to her art supplies.

Friday, March 21, 2014

The herb bed right now

What the herb bed looks like right before the sudden snow storm. Since I did NOTHING to put it to bed, I am not terribly surprised that is is not looking its best. I am giving the herbs their time to see if they will come back. We have had very little the way of warm days, and since it was such a severe winter, and this side of the house only gets morning sun, I am hoping in a few days something may come back.
 I know we lost a couple rosemary bushes that have lost almost all their needles while they turn brown. And the curry of all things seems to be doing okay as well as the bay. But I know eventually its going to need cleaned out and that will take most of a day.

The garlic beds looks just as dormant, but Pooka has seen a few tender shoots come up. Soon we will hopefully have our garlic for the year poking out everywhere, and things will start to look alive once more. I think seeing these two beds turn green will finally make spring real for us, so long as we stop getting snow. Which sadly is in the forecast for next week. Winter Let US GO. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Picking up the last of few seeds

A day running errands, means Pooka gets her snap dragon seeds and dill seeds. This means the last of the plans are in place for the garden this year. Now we just need to get everything growing and wait till there is more to do.

We have dill
We did decide to try a couple different varieties of dill seeds to see if there was a difference in them. Hopefully the seeds of change will work out and I can slowly start cutting back the number of seeds I have to buy. Hopefully.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Winter returns

Winter threw a what we hope is a last swing at us on Weds. The temps went from being almost 60 degrees to back in the 20s. It was rain that turned to ice that turned to snow, and while we only had 2-3 inches, it was enough that it closes schools. Apparently the snow cut power to a quite a bit of town. I only hope this is winters last hurrah. I am grateful for the nicer weather once more.
More winter yuck. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring is here for the minute

We had a few nice days where it was warm and things began to come alive. The temperatures have reached the 50s and the kids and I can once more walk home from school in the afternoon. As soon as things dry out, they may even be able to play in the yard.

The blueberry tree is budding
The trees are starting to bud out and life seems to be returning out there. I know it won't last, but I know that these little glimpses of spring will tide us over just a bit longer.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


We have sprouts. Pooka was so excited.She told me Rosebud, (Green Thumb's friend) was working really hard since Green Thumb was still in Hawaii for training. Some of these seeds have been in the dirt for less then a week, but they are growing quite well. I will say this year we broke down and got some seed warming mats since we do tend to keep the air temperature a bit cold for them. It looks like the seed mats were a good investment.

So far, I know the leeks and the snapdragons, tomatoes and broccoli have started, and I am sure more have started since this picture. The pepper plants which I always seem to struggle with are starting to show a bit of green. We turned the seed trays after this picture so they would start growing the other way. To be completely honest, I need to get in there and see exactly what is growing and make a note of it for next time. 

There may be more cold and snow in the forecast (and it is official, this is the snowiest winter we have ever had), but it looks like spring is starting in the house. Lets just hope it warms up enough to take things outside a bit during the day once we transplant into pots. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oh winter

We got lucky over the weekend. We were suppose to be hit by yet another winter storm over the weekend. 8-10 inches of snow, bitter cold temps, ice, basically what has been usual this winter. The storm tracked further south, leaving us with about 3 inches or so, some cold weather and a bit of ice.
The Garlic bed this morning. 
I think everyone is happy the storm missed us, Pooka included. However, I kinda wanted another snow day. Pooka has been fighting a cold, and while I think she is okay to go back to school, another day home would not of hurt.

So we are happy the worst missed us, but the idea of one more day in our PJs staying home to do stuff doesn't sound too bad either. Mostly, we just want winter to go home now, and Green Thumb to come back with the baby fairies from Hawaii. Apparently that is where fairies go for training in the cold months. Lucky fairies.