Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Starting over

The green onions have looked better, in fact, I think they have died off. They were potted from sets and we just harvested them too much. I never realized how much we would eat something like this when it was just sitting there and we needed onion for eggs, or anything that matter.
Looking pretty sad
However, our nursery still had a few onion sets in stock. Pooka and I picked up a few to start fresh with. I admit it is nice to walk out of the nursery with a total of less then $0.50.

Onion sets
We grabbed this planter that had spinach in it. We had harvested a bit too much and it bolted, so it was free to be reused. We planted the new sets in it and are awaiting more green onions.
Reusing a ready to go pot
Meanwhile  the bok choi had not only flowered but also formed seeds. They were past rescuing sadly.
It is done.
I had mentioned this to Daddy, but I hadn't had a chance to deal with it yet. Daddy swooped in one night while I was at work, and cleared them out for me. I added a few of our Pak Choi seeds back to the bed and am hoping the rains we have been having will help us get some more Bok Choy. It seems the kids and Daddy really love having it mixed into things.
Reseeded and ready to go

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