So in April, Steph was wonderful enough to go with me to collect my own lilacs (even tho she was up here for something else, but she still lives 4 hours away). As you can see, one has done quite well (the one she told me would be fine, it was a good strong one). However the second pot we were afraid it was a bit sketchy.
Well the second pot looked dead until about a month ago I saw that little faint green in the back. Then today, I walked past my lilacs to check Pooka's plants and low and behold there was NEW GROWTH on the plant I was sure I was going to just have to sacrifice to the lilac gods. It's not much, and it may not be the strongest little thing, but it's alive. And I have a Steph to thank for it being there, since this is my 4th time trying to bring home lilacs and the first time they have survived this long.
Eventually, these poor things will go in my front yard, but Steph told me it might be best if they spend the summer in miracle grow and then transplant after the epsom salt (That we used to remove the other bushes in place) has cleared out of the soil.
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