Thursday, September 6, 2012


I have had a few people ask me why I am still starting seeds. I told them that from all I have read (interwebz which lie and books) that carrots, radishes and cilantro like cold weather. Well, I realized today that I haven't updated you on any of the happenings there since that very long day and the baby carrots.

Well tonight, Daddy was making Fajitas (with peppers from the garden) and spanish rice (with tomatoes, poblanos and oregano) when he asked how the cilantro was doing if we had any he could use. Not knowing the state of the cilantro, I looked and sure enough, we have baby cilantro.
Store bought Seeds vs home grown
In the preliminary results of our test, it seems the store bought seeds are doing much much better then our home grown seeds. I am curious if it will stay this way, but for now, I am letting them grow and we pulled some of the baby cilantro leaves for the rice.

Radishes                                         Carrots
This however got me realizing that I never updated you all on how our seeds were doing. As you can see from here, the radishes (on the left) are doing quite well while the carrots are already getting good sized (right). I am not really ready to pick anything, but I am already warning Kiddo that he will be taking funny colored carrots to school.

Pooka asks daily when she can start harvesting them. I told her soon enough, she is going to be tired of carrots.

And we cannot forget the young clearance dill . This was a complete swag due to the cheap price of it It has already started to sprout and seems quite happy. Here it to it getting big enough to handle the winter or being small enough to come in the house. I am not sure which to look for, but Pooka was quite happy to see it having grown and being above the dirt.
Baby Dill. 

Now all that is left is to see when can harvest it all.

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