Thursday, May 8, 2014

Free plant

A couple of days ago, I was at work talking to a coworker who had been recently given domain over the greenhouse. Now our greenhouse is small, very small, and until recently I had only seen native plants in there for our green space and the occasional lab experiment. But this semester I saw tomatoes in there as well as peppers.

Seeing as these were plants I could identify and cared about (aka, I could eat them), I asked said coworker about it and he said it was a new fundraiser for the environmental club. We got to talking about what I am growing vs what he is growing (he kinda a flower/native guy) and was showing me what was in the greenhouse and he had some basil. I made the very offhand remark of "Yeah, I need to go buy more basil for this year."

Well, low and behold, he grabs a plant and says "Take this one. I am just excited you got me wanting to grow herbs again. Besides, your daughter will love it." Deciding that I for one would not turn down a free plant.

Free plant
Pooka did indeed love it. She was happy to have basil back at the house even if its not her purple basil. It is a bit floppy looking having grown up in a greenhouse, but it is getting stronger around here. Mostly since I make a point to have it by an open window and it has begun to pick itself back up. Once it is doing that, I am throwing it outside to get even stronger and then it will go in the yard. If we don't eat all the leaves off it first. Granted, Pooka loves to eat basil leaves plain, so it may not last that long.

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