I swear I posted this before, but I can't seem to find where I did. Weeks ago now, Pooka and I spent about 2 evenings after school getting our onions in the ground. We planted some yellow onions the first day. But they were out of red onions so we had to wait. I was just happy to get them going. I did space them out a bit more then last year in hopes to get a bit bigger onion. Our ones last year were a bit small.
Yellow onions in the ground |
2 days later, they finally had red onions in. Daddy loves red onion so we couldn't forget them. This is how I like to buy my onions. I have never had much luck with sets, and these will grow a fairly nice actual onion and in a pinch I can use the greens as well.
Red onions from the nursery |
While Pooka and I were out playing in the dirt, Daddy called me in. Apparenly one of our store onions had started to sprout. He wanted to know if we wanted to plant the onion. I said I didn't know if it would get bigger or not and he said "That is okay. We can do this one for science."
Sprouting Onion |
I asked Pooka if she wanted to see what happened. I told her it could be its own experiment. Well of course Pooka said yes. I asked her where in the onion bed she wanted to plant it. She said it could go in the exact middle so we remembered which one it was.
New home for the onion |
By the time we were done that night, this is what we had. An entire bed of nothing but onions. Hopefully that means we will get lots of nice onions this year. I for one would love to not have to buy onions for awhile.
Onion bed ready to grow. |
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