Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Surprise Pooka

Monday evening Pooka got a surprise. She was taking the recycling out, which is her big girl job, and hear a fluttering noise in the garage. Yes normally this would be a very bad thing.

However, this time she looked in the butterfly habitat. Turns out, we had a new friend and he hadn't figured out the lid was open. Pooka called Daddy and he closed it for her and promised to tell me about it when I got home from work.

Tuesday Morning, sure enough "Lucky" as Pooka named him was still very happy in his home. We all thought everything in there was dead, but we had been lazy and hadn't cleaned out the habitat. Good thing I have been busy.

Lucky even got to go with Pooka to her school on Tuesday and hang out. Fortunatly her teacher is very understanding of Pooka's love of science and even let her do a little report on him. He spent the day next to the class Betta - Blueberry.

Lucky says Hi
Lucky and Pooka came home and even though we forgot him in the car, he is still doing great. We are planning to release him this evening after school. Pooka asked if her friend K could come over to help her release him into her garden. Hopefully before then I will get a better picture of him.

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